Say Hello!

Here’s your chance to say hello by signing our GUEST BOOK below!  Thanks for stopping by.  I would love to hear where you are from, what you teach and what you have been up to!  Leave a step or two, a music suggestion or a great idea that helps you in the dance classroom.  Visit me often and don’t forget…I LOVE TIME STEPS!

27 thoughts on “Say Hello!

    • Sorry just found this. My daughter and I are working on it! The format is difficult because there is so much variety amongst advanced tap students and their skills. We’ll make a huge post when it’s ready but it will be quite a while.

    • HAVE FUN GO MAD is one of my all time favorites. It was the USA Small Tap Group song for the Tap World Championships in Riesa Germany in 2002. We won gold with it~!!!!

  1. I LOVED your classes at DLTC! I’m also so happy to be a part of THIS! What a fantastic tool! I, too, will be sharing MANY time steps!

  2. Good Luck with this Great site & great Ideas. Can’t wait to try those time steps and start using some of the music suggestions.

  3. Hi Diane,
    Thank you for sharing all of your brilliant information. I love the variety of time steps!!
    Looking forward to checking back often.
    Debbie Felton (CNADM)

  4. Wonderful new site, with lots of great info. You are the best for sharing all this!! Best of luck and I look forward to you coming down south and sharing your expertise with all of us again very soon. DANCE TEACHERS UNITED misses you and wishes you well on your travels and teaching!!

  5. Hello, hello Diane. Sorry I missed you at DETC, and hope to see you soon. Thanks for the playlist and have a wonderful time in South Africa! xo Susan

  6. Hi Diane! I enjoyed your class in Phoenix this past weekend – it was probably my favorite class of the entire convention! I would love to see the copy of your jazz class playlist. I didn’t get a chance to take a picture and would love to use it in my upcoming classes! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and helping others like me learn to be better teachers!

    • hi….glad to see you found the site! gonna launch it tomorrow! hope i get to work with you again soon! let me know if you have anything to add to the page!

  7. Looks like I’ve found your new thing! I’m excited to see what unfolds, I’ve always enjoyed your teaching at the Dance Teacher’s Club of Boston, I’m a big fan!

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