Acrobatics for the Dance Studio: A Six Level Program

Designed to assist the acrobatic teacher in organizing their program at all levels.  Gives clear explanation of hundreds of acrobatic/gymnastic skills as well as advice on spotting techniques.  It supply a full warm up and information on successfully teaching techniques along with goals for each level.  Its full index also allows the experienced teacher to us it as a dictionary of acrobatic terms.  Locate several variations for skills typically taught with a menu of skills for each level.   The program breaks skills into four basic categories and progressively stacks skills in their order of difficulty.  It is used successfully in studios all over the world!

$30.00  each

Just click HERE for the order form



16 thoughts on “Acrobatics for the Dance Studio: A Six Level Program

    • no i’m sorry ..not yet. I will be in South Africa in June at the US-SA Dance Teacher Seminar. I will have some with me then. Please contact Dance International with either Ina Van Zyl or Amanda Kroon for information about the workshop and the dates I will be there. thanks for your interest!

  1. Hi Diane,

    Your books and guide, do you have it in electronic format or just hardcopies? In other words if we order your books can we download it afterwards ….

  2. Hi Diane,

    I’m interested in a guide for modern as well as contemporary….. please let me know if you have books for modern and contemporary please? Will really appreciate it very much. I want to order the acrobatic book from you, is it possible that when I’ve made my payment can you mail it to me so that I can make copies already?

    Please let me know!!!

    • Multiple variations on the back handspring, Aerial front walkovers with variations, punch front, bk tuck, whip backs, simple twists I think that is what you mean. The book is designed to give teachers a wide amount of variables in all skills within the categories of Flexibility skills, Counterbalance Skills, Skills that Require Momentum, Compound Skills, Combinations of Skills. hope that helps!

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